Week of February 9, 2003
Fire Video
I have some video of the fire on Colonial Dr.(2/15/03) If you would like to view it click here for dial up or here for Broadband. I will have some pictures as soon as I get the film developed, they will be on the fire pages.
-- Posted by stoney on February 15 2003New Photo Gallery
I have a new collection of Michael's pictures I thought I would share.
-- Posted by stoney on February 13 2003Trip to the doctor
I went to the doctor today, he scheduled me for an MRI and a back brace. The MRI is on monday, the back brace is tomorrow, they didn't have one to fit me so it will be in tomorrow. The radiologist said it was a compression fracture of T6 not T12 as I stated in earlier news.
-- Posted by stoney on February 12 2003Compression fracture
The ER called back today and said that I have a compression fracture at T12. So much for the good news.
-- Posted by stoney on February 10 2003Races at Sunset Ramblers
Chuck and I went racing again, this time I crashed and burned. I started third going into the first corner and across the first checkpoint then got hit from behind and spun out, trying to get back into the race my quad threw me off the back and I got hurt. I finished that lap in pain and let chuck take over, he went about ten laps and retired after he found out I was hurt. Needless to say we didn't finish and I took a trip to the ER, they didn't find any broken bones but gave me some pain meds. Sorry Chuck!
-- Posted by stoney on February 9 2003